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Off-the-shelf Laboratory System

Microsoft Azure

You must have an account with Microsoft Azure, so that you can create and manage virtual machine instances.

1 Download the image file from General LIMS. Log in to General LIMS service; click General LIMS VM image, and click Download under Micorsoft Azure. Unzip the downloaded file to a new folder.

2 Log in to Azure Portal, click Storage accounts under portal menu. Select the account or create an account if you don't have one.

3 Click Containers under the account, then create a new container where the uploaded file will be saved. Then click upload to upload the extracted VDH file.

4 You may also configure the virtual network, network security groups and rules.

5 Launch Image service under the portal, click create to define a new virtual machine image. You will need to set Linux as the OS type, gen 1 as the VM generation, and browse the uploaded VHD file in the Storage blob. You also need to set other properties before you create the virtual machine image.

6 Launch Virtual Machine service. Click create> and select Azure virtual machine, specify the virtual machine details, including the virtual machine image. Choose the image by clicking See all image, on the next page, click My image and select the VM image you created in last step.

7 Continue to select the disk for the OS disk and data disk. Click Disks tab, select the disk for the OS disk. Click create and attach a new disk. Then specify the size and other properties for the data disk.

8 Create the virtual machine after reviewing the settings. Get the IP address of the virtual machine and use the browser to access the system to start the initialization.

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